

Kingstone Village

Smith Thomas Consult have been involved from initial stages on the development of the Kingstone Village development in Herefordshire. The scheme comprises of the site enablement, infrastructure and the construction of 150no. new dwellings to Passivhaus standard.
The project, which is due to commence on site during 2015 will be if not the first, one of the first, volume build housing projects to attain Passivhaus certification in the UK. The extremely high performance of the buildings will mean that purchasers will benefit from energy reductions well in excess of similar properties constructed to comply with current building regulations standards.
Smith Thomas Consult have prepared all financial viability models, supplier reviews, programming, risk analysis and detailed cost planning on the project and are currently involved in funding negotiations.
Services: Financial viability models, Supplier reviews, Programming, Risk analysis, Detailed cost planning and Funding negotiations
Value: Confidential
Location: Kingstone Village, Herefordshire
Architect: Architype
Client: Archihaus
Status: Due to commence 2015